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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850


Child writing

Please follow the adjacent link for information about how to apply for a school place in the forthcoming years.

Our school is a successful, over-subscribed two form primary school, serving the families of the worshipping Catholic community of Epsom. When a child arrives at St. Joseph’s they start their journey with us, one where the whole community works together to guide them towards discovery of their own unique set of God-given talents.


Child painting

When the same child leaves St. Joseph’s, we want them to be excited about their learning; thinking, enquiring young people with a thirst for knowledge and equipped with the skills to find out more about their world. We want them to have developed an understanding of what it means to be an active member of a worshipping community and to hold a sense of service to the wider community.



Child playing

As our Mission Statement says, we are a ‘community of learners’, working collaboratively towards a greater understanding of our unique talents. We demand high standards of our children in how they work, learn and play, and in return we strive to give them the very best of what we can offer.

St. Joseph’s is a happy, thriving community where everyone puts their heart and soul into what they do. It is an exciting, energising place to learn; it is a rewarding place to work, and we hope that when you come to visit us, you will sense what a wonderful school it is.