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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Setting a Great Example

We are called to work for the good of each and of all. We are always impressed when children take their own initiative and demonstrate a deep awareness of their own role in bringing about change.

Leading the Way

A thoughtful act of charity! 

child - long hair

Joseph undertook a very radical haircut for charity. He had his hair cut to raise money for Momentum Children’s Charity.  We are super proud of you Joseph - a great example of how we are called to give to others in need.

child - short hair!

A great idea!

Theo decided to raise money for refugees from Ukraine, a charity well-supported by the Epsom community. 

Theo wrote a shopping list, gathered the equipment and sought  donations of glass jars.

child raising money for charity

He made and sold brownie jars to neighbours and friends, raising £101 for Ukraine.

His family, and we, were very proud of him for taking on this initiative of his own accord.

Giving generously

We were so impressed when Isla raised money during a 3k Race for Life event.

Isla was only in year one when she did this.

This was a fabulous way to show others how to live their lives.

Well done Isla

Child running in race for life

Wearing Odd Socks!

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day (WSDSD) each March is a key day for us.

World downs syndrome day advert

The date itself has been selected for very clever reasons; it is held on the 21st day of the 3rd month, which reminds us of the triplication of the 21st chromosome which leads to Down Syndrome.

We raise awareness of WDSD by rocking our socks! Children come to school  wearing odd socks… or even better, we wear 3 socks to remind everybody about the 3rd chromosome.