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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Subject Areas - what we teach

child climbing

child cycling

children acting


The content of our curriculum is drawn from a variety of sources, but it essentially follows the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. Alongside that, we use various published programmes to support implementation. For:

  • Mathematics, we follow Power Maths.
  • Synthetic Phonics, we follow Unlocking Letters and Sounds.
  • Reading, our main reading scheme is Ransom Rising Stars, although children read a broad range of books.
  • RE, we follow the national programme, 'Come and See' in Years 3 and 4. In other year groups we follow the RED (Religious Education Directory) To Know You More Clearly.
  • Education in Personal Relationships is our programme of study for Relationships and Sex Education and for broader areas of Personal, Social and Health Education (PHSE). We follow the Diocesan recommended programme, 'Life to the Full'.
  • Computing, we use Purple Mash.
  • PE, we follow RealPE.

We teach Spanish as our second language, this being prevalent in families in our diverse community.

Following the links to each subject area provides a more specific explanation of how we implement our curriculum.

While subjects are often taught discreetly, we bond the learning experience for children under topic headings, e.g. The Vikings, The Skeleton, Chile. We have mapped the curriculum to ensure that concepts and themes are taught and revisited, thereby strengthening the understanding that the children develop.

child writing

children dressed up for spanish day

children working together in science

St. Joseph’s has been a Green Flag Eco-School for many years, guided by our very keen Eco Warriors. We run a Forest School in our extensive woodlands, led by an accredited teacher. 

Reaching out to the community and wider world forms part of our ongoing commitment to supporting those less fortunate than ourselves. For many years, children have raised money and their own global awareness for parts of Africa, India and South America through our support for CAFOD, Missio and Faith in Action. Closer to home, an annual charity forms a focus for further fundraising.

The continued high quality of our curriculum provision is a priority. To that end, a structured programme of monitoring is carried out by Senior Leaders, our Leaders for Learning and all Subject Leaders.