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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Travel to School

St Joseph's is very proud of all that we do to encourage families to walk, cycle or scoot to school. 

Our children take part in monthly Walk Once a Week to school awards; over 350 children rode a bike to school on Midsummer Cycle to School Day last June .

Our families are very keen to be involved in any activity which keeps them fit and healthy.

There are gates for access from Rosebank and from Whitehorse Drive. Our gates are open from 8.30am daily with staff waiting to welcome your children.   All children are permitted to go into their classrooms from 8.40am where their teachers are waiting to meet them. This also allows parents to leave the children knowing that they are safe and already engaged with their learning.

We operate 'drop and go' facilities for families where parents work and need to drop their children safely and quickly. Parents may drop and go on Rosebank and on Whitehorse Drive from 8.40am. Both entrances are fully supervised at these times.

Parents are strongly discouraged from driving to and from school as the roads around the site are congested. There are no parking facilities at the school other than when we have large events, when we open the playground for parking.

The school Travel Plan is given below.