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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Contact Us


St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street
Surrey KT18 7RT

Telephone: 01372 727850

Head Teacher:  Mr Tim Hallett
Deputy Head Teacher:  Miss Joanne Cullen

Chair of Governors:  Mr Christopher Donovan

If you require any of the information available on this website as a paper copy, please contact the school office.

School Business Manager: Mrs Andrea Cooke

Administrative Assistants (school office): 
Mrs Enza Gough
Miss Teresa Cane
Any queries by members of the public or parents should be directed to the school office.

Admissions Officer: Mrs Karen Taylor

Special Educational Needs:  Mrs Catherine Lohn and Miss Jeri Murphy
Mrs Lohn may be contacted by telephoning the school office.