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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rosebank, West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RT
Tel. 01372 727850

Sporting Achievements

district sports winners

netball team winners

district sports winners

We are passionate about sport at St. Joseph's

The staff are committed to ensuring that we take part in as many competitions and sporting events as possible. They dedicate much time out of hours to this.  The 'Forthcoming Events' link will take you to a calendar of events our children will be participating in.

We have a thriving sports network and participate in a wide range of extracurricular tournaments and competitions against other local schools, enjoying great successes. 

Netball Rally Winners 2024

We have a long history of winning the local netball rally. There are three oversubscribed netball clubs held after school each week. From these come our very skilled players. Their positive attitudes and skills lead to many successes.

Local Competitions

We try to take teams to every event possible. The children love taking part, and sometimes they win which makes them and the whole school very proud. We regularly send teams to:

Tag Rugby 






Kwik Cricket


Cross Country


Track athletics

Sportshall athletics



Mini Sports

Field Athletics

We put our success down to our commitment to sport in school and during extra-curricular clubs, to the commitment of the staff and families who are so supportive and to our very talented children.